8 thoughts on “My Professional Fear factory

  1. Very interesting analysis! I have just re-read ‘Antifragile’ by Nassim Taleb (who would be no.1 of my current ‘list of teachers’) and he has a refreshing view of procrastination – in contrast to psychologists and ‘life-hackers’ who try to offer remedies in order to make you more efficient. Taleb wisely states that we never procrastinate when there are lives in danger.

    Quote: “Since procrastination is a message from our natural willpower via low motivation, the cure is changing the environment, or one’s profession, by selecting one in which one does not have to fight one’s impulses. Few can grasp the logical consequence that, instead, one should lead a life in which procrastination is good.”
    Easier said than done of course.

    • This sounds a lot like my aunt, who told me a very long time ago that only few people are really lazy, they are just not interested in what society has to offer them.

  2. It is a wonderful thing to share in your honest reflections. I feel as though I know you in a way I didn’t know you before, and that is the best possible share. Michael

    • Thank You, Michael. You wrote the best encouragement to continue blogging from the “I” experience, and less from the generalizing 3rd person singular “it”.

  3. Almost every success I had in my life in all venues I was always worried that I would not succeed in all that I attempted, yet the success rate was about 75%. I think when I was afraid of failing, it was in those times that I was at my best. Sometimes i procrastinated and waited to the last minute on projects and papers, but over the years I began to understand that I always worked best under pressure. I am feeling you my friend, I see myself inside my mind as I read your words…but you are very good at what you do, and you will persevere…because its in you to do so. Blessings my brother, and thanks for your many visits! Have a very blessed day tommorrow!

  4. =) i find, my mistakes are wonderful later in life. i’m hapi 2 b along 4 the part of the ride u share with yourself so we all can see our larger societal patterns (inasmuch as the similarity of experience would suggest a common perhaps system creation) we are here to fix together. =)

    • I think that indeed pride, inflated ego and fear are very pronounced on the work floor, and in our societies. Perhaps this is the very nature of living in a competitive world. Newtonian evolution comes to mind, based on the survival of the fittest.
      The mistakes: only through mistakes we can learn anything, that is, if we see them as such.

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