a goose and a mind


A great philosophical official, Riko, once asked the strange Zen Master, Nansen, to explain to him the old koan of the goose in the bottle: “If a man puts a gosling into a bottle,” said Riko, “and feeds him until he is full-grown, how can the man get the goose out without killing it or breaking the bottle?”
Nansen gave a great clap with his hands and shouted, “Riko!”
“Yes, Master,” said the official with a start.
“See,” said Nansen, “the goose is out!”
(Osho – The Goose is Out)


By naming some components of my consciousness, I put forward a new and rational self image. In stead of deflating mind, I made a new concept of self through mind. Is there a house, or is there no house? How do I move from a house of identifaction to no house at all? The self-centered image is still there, despite the realization that mind is nothing but a kind of efficient ‘google in my head’.
Sadness comes realizing this.
I should stop the effort and let beingness clear the job.

How can the goose come out of the glass? When its being realizes that there is none. Some geese don’t realize the cage is gone, and stay put for a long time. After being in jail and having been cared off there, a burglar commits a stupid crime to be imprisoned again. That’s the life he knows and trusts.

I‘m afraid to disintegrate without a house of glass. Help I’m melting said the witch. Water did the trick.

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